I worked a little bit to decipher the documentation for content:deidentify from Google Cloud. After some trial and error, this is what worked for me.
POST :dlp/v2/projects/:project/content:deidentify
content-type: application/json
x-goog-user-project: :project
Authorization: Bearer :token
"inspectConfig": {
"infoTypes": [ { "name": "EMAIL_ADDRESS" }, { "name": "PHONE_NUMBER" }, { "name": "URL" } ]
"deidentifyConfig": {
"infoTypeTransformations": {
"transformations": [ {
"infoTypes": [
"name": "URL"
"primitiveTransformation": {
"characterMaskConfig": {
"numberToMask": -8,
"reverseOrder": true,
"infoTypes": [
"name": "PHONE_NUMBER"
"primitiveTransformation": {
"characterMaskConfig": {
"numberToMask": -1,
"reverseOrder": false,
"charactersToIgnore": [
"charactersToSkip": ".-"
"infoTypes": [
"primitiveTransformation": {
"characterMaskConfig": {
"numberToMask": -3,
"reverseOrder": false,
"charactersToIgnore": [
"charactersToSkip": ".@"
} ]
"item": {
"value": "<doc xmlns=\"urn:932F4698-0A64-49D4-963F-E6615BC399E8\"> <Name>Marcia</Name> <URL>https://marcia.com</URL> <Email>marcia@example.com</Email><Phone>412-343-0919</Phone></doc>"
- As described here, You need to specify the header
x-goog-user-project: :project
(obviously replacing the word :project with your own project name), otherwise you will get the dreaded 403 error message like this:{ "error": { "code": 403, "message": "Your application is authenticating by using local Application Default Credentials. The dlp.googleapis.com API requires a quota project, which is not set by default. To learn how to set your quota project, see https://cloud.google.com/docs/authentication/adc-troubleshooting/user-creds .", "status": "PERMISSION_DENIED", "details": [ { "@type": "type.googleapis.com/google.rpc.ErrorInfo", "reason": "SERVICE_DISABLED", "domain": "googleapis.com", "metadata": { "service": "dlp.googleapis.com", "consumer": "projects/325555555" } } ] } }
- You can specify the de-identify config as a template. example follows:
POST :dlp/v2/projects/:project/content:deidentify content-type: application/json x-goog-user-project: :project Authorization: Bearer :token { "inspectConfig": { "infoTypes": [ { "name": "EMAIL_ADDRESS" }, { "name": "PHONE_NUMBER" }, { "name": "URL" } ] }, "deidentifyTemplateName": "projects/my-project-name-12345/deidentifyTemplates/3816550063387353440", "item": { "value": "<doc xmlns=\"urn:932F4698-0A64-49D4-963F-E6615BC399E8\"> <Name>Marcia</Name> <URL>https://marcia.com</URL> <Email>marcia@example.com</Email><Phone>412-343-0919</Phone></doc>" } }