Swagger has been renamed! Three weeks ago. I didn’t realize this, and (forgive me) I’ve been continuing to use the term “swagger” when I really should have been using “OpenAPI”, in the time since.
Helpfully, Marsh, an esteemed colleague of mine, has produced a slackbot to remind me to use the world “OpenAPI” every time I type the… uh… old word… in slack chats. Now, I just need that slackbot to follow me around and remind me every time I *say* the old word.
There’s a new group, the OpenAPI Initiative, whose members include IBM, Google, Apigee, Intuit, Microsoft, Paypal… these members will govern the evolution of the spec.
REST Assured (hahahaha! ya get it?) that Apigee will be building some nice innovations on top of the OpenAPI spec. Exciting things coming soon. You can already see the beginnings at apistudio.io.
It’s not difficult to imagine some interesting possible paths forward, from that tooling.
And, omigosh, I just realized that I haven’t posted an article here in about 6 months! Wow I must have been busy…